Nuka Learning Program

As Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care continues to be nationally and internationally recognized, SCF receives requests from all over the world for opportunities to learn from both clinical and non-clinical areas of our health care system. The Nuka Learning Program accommodates these requests and welcomes learners to explore the Nuka System of Care through Learning Experiences, Short-Term Observations, or the Nuka Internship or Fellowship.

SCF’s Nuka Learning Program provides immersive, culturally appropriate, and relationship-based experiences in SCF’s Alaska Native owned and operated health care system.

To maintain a balance and continue with Southcentral Foundation’s commitment to quality customer-owner and relationship-based care, SCF constantly evaluates the number of experiential training opportunities we can support. Currently, opportunities in the clinical concentration are available. Concentrations in customer and community engagement, leadership and governance, workforce development, and infrastructure will be available in the future.

Applications are currently OPEN for the month of February 2025 for all learning experiences.

Short-term observation applications are accepted year-round.


Learning experiences in clinical and non-clinical opportunities are available for learners (students, residents, interns, externs, etc.) to work and learn in medical services, behavioral health, tribal and community-based services.

Applications are currently OPEN for the month
of February 2025 for all learning experiences.

An 11-month Nuka Improvement Internship and Nuka Improvement Fellowship within Southcentral Foundation’s Nuka System of Care utilizing a relationship-based, customer-owned approach to transforming health care.

To support individuals interested in pursuing professions within the health care industry, SCF provides limited opportunities for students to follow medical providers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists, dental hygienist, nurses, certified medical assistants and more.


Professionals seeking opportunities to learn more about SCF’s Nuka System of Care can select from a variety of trainings and events, many of which offer registration for reduced student rates. Customized site visits and observation opportunities up to a week are also available.


Dynamic, interactive learning and on-the-job experiences are provided through an affiliation with a school or academic program. Students seeking clinical or non-clinical rotations, externships, Capstone projects, and practicums are encouraged to fill out a request. Applications open in February.


The Transform learning pathway provides deep-dive clinical and non-clinical rotations to meet the objectives of clinical programs while providing support to SCF Preceptors. Graduate students, post-graduate students, residents, interns, fellows, and professionals (including those on sabbatical) are provided this unique opportunity to enhance their professional experience.


Clinician was OUTSTANDING and pushed me to think critically and improved my clinical skills.
– 2024 Student

Incredibly enthusiastic to be teaching and having a student.
– 2024 Student

[Provider] is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate, went above and beyond in terms of patient education which was phenomenal for me to learn from as well.
– 2024 Student

Felt incredibly welcomed by the team and customer-owners.
– 2024 Student

Academic Affiliations

Alaska Career College
Alaska Family Medicine Residency
Alaska Pacific University
Baylor University
Bradley University
Brescia University
Burrell College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Capella University
Carson-Newman University
Central Michigan University
Charter College (Wasilla & Anchorage)
Chatham University
Chickaloon Village Traditional Council
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Creighton University
Drexel University
Dublin Methodist
Duke University
Eastern Kentucky University
Elon University
Frontier Nursing University
George Fox University
George Fox University
Gonzaga University
Harvard Medical School Clerkship
Harvard Dental Medicine
Hawaii Pacific University
Herzing University
Iowa State University Of Science And Technology
Job Corps Wasilla- Chugach
Johns Hopkins SOM
Keith And Associates Distance Dietetic Internship
Lake Erie College Of Osteopathic Medicine
LG Family And Community Medicine Residency Program
Lynchburg College

Maryville University
MatSu College
Medical College Of Wisconsin
Messiah University
Muskingham University
Naropa University
National University
Northeast Regional Medical Center Residency program
Northern Vermont University
Northwestern University
Oklahoma State University
Oregon Health and Science University
Pacific Northwest University
Pacific University School of Physical Therapy
Pacific University of School of SLP
Puget Sound University
Purdue Global University
Quinnipiac University
Regis College
Rocky Vista University
Rush University Medical Center
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Salish Kootenai College
Saybrook University
South College School Of Physical Therapy
St. Augustine’s (DOPT)
South College School Of Physical Therapy
Trine University
Tufts University School Of Medicine PA Program
Tufts University School of PT
United States University
Uniformed Service University Of Health Sciences
University Of Alaska Anchorage
University of Arizona

University of Bridgeport
University of California Berkely Fung Fellowship
University Of California Davis Health
University Of California San Francisco School Of Medicine
University of Chicago Medical Center
University of Coloardo- Colorado Springs
University of Colorado- Specialty Peds
University Of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University Of Iowa School Of Dentistry
University of Lynchburg
University Of Massachusetts- Amherst
University of Michigan
University Of Minnesota Medical School
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
University of Montana
University of Phoenix
University of Puget Sound School of PT
University of South Alabama
University of Tennessee Knoxville
University of Utah Division of Physician Assistant Studies
University Of Washington
University of Washington MEDEX
University Of Western States
Vanderbilt University
Wake Forest
Walden University
Walter Reed University
Washburn University
Western Governors University
Western New Mexico University
Western Michigan University
Wilkes University
Yale School of Nursing

Additional Resources

Tribal Research Review

Information on the Tribal review process associated with conducting research studies at SCF