Home Events Cultural Conversations in Rural and Tribal Health Care

Cultural Conversations in Rural and Tribal Health Care

John Solomon, LPC, Director of Behavioral Health
Maniilaq Association
Christopher Wightman, LCSW, MSW, Clinical Director of Outpatient Services, Behavioral Health Division
Southcentral Foundation

Tribal healthcare organizations have a unique challenge of meeting cultures and communities as equal partners in a structure that often sets western medicine models above indigenous community values. This presentation will examine the role of quality improvement in the structural and cultural conversations that rural and Tribal healthcare organizations face on a daily basis. Learning Objectives

  • Define the challenges and roles of rural and Tribal health organizations in the greater context of healthcare delivery
  • Describe three structural assessment and improvement tools that can be applied to programs that have deeply ingrained histories and workflows
  • Apply facilitation practices and cultural dialogue to improve the relationships between providers and communities they serve


May 20 2022


1:45 pm - 2:45 pm

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