Based on a SCF study that looked at customer-owner (SCF’s term for patient) quality of care (n=2,126), customer-owners who report having a strong relationship with their primary care provider are more likely to report having a strong health rating. Additionally, the likelihood of a strong health rating increases with an increase in provider empathy.
Core Concepts also encourages SCF employees to engage fully in their jobs and the people they work with, which also increases positive outcomes across the organization. Based on a 2020 SCF organizational employee satisfaction survey (n=1,975), 81% indicated using Core Concepts in their personal and professional life. 79% feel comfortable sharing their story with their supervisor. SCF employees who felt supervisors use Core Concepts also indicated a higher satisfaction with their supervisor.
“It helps me appreciate people – their personalities and the reminder that everyone has a story. It helps me treat others with kindness and understanding. Everyone is fighting a battle at some point.”
– Core Concepts Participant
SCF’s Core Concepts training supports SCF’s philosophy of customer-driven, relationship-based care. The training supports SCF employees, teaching them the communication skills to build relationships with customer-owners and each other, and has successfully been adapted for other organizations. Core Concepts has helped SCF become nationally and internationally known for high-quality health care, and has the potential to help other organizations on their journeys as well.