Cultural Humility Training Now Available
Understanding culture is very important in the field of health care. A person’s culture and community impacts every aspect of their health, and cultural understanding and respect is a key component of providers and other health care workers being able to build relationships with the people they serve, which lead to more effective health care. However, it can often be difficult for someone from a different background to understand another person’s culture. Southcentral Foundation is now offering its Cultural Humility Training to other organizations. It aims to help people develop the skills and tools necessary to more effectively support people from different cultures.
SCF’s Cultural Humility Training is a one-day, in-person training that leads participants through an experiential process of understanding one’s own experiences, beliefs, and cultural identities and how they impact the ways one sees and moves in the world. Utilizing the Cultural Proficiency Continuum as a framework, participants will:
- Discuss how culture shapes behaviors, values, and institutions
- Identify relational behaviors that display cultural humility and cultural safety
- Recognize culturally responsive approaches when working in communities outside your culture.
SCF has extensive experience providing culturally-appropriate services, education, and training, and the Cultural Humility Training is taught by the same subject matter experts who provide trainings for SCF that are based on Alaska Native culture and values. Although this training is tailored for organizations providing services to Alaska Native/American Indian communities, it can be valuable for anyone serving Indigenous/Tribal/Native communities anywhere. This training will benefit providers and other direct care workers; medical directors; executive leadership; improvement personnel; and anyone seeking understanding about how culture impacts health care.
For more information about SCF’s Cultural Humility Training, or to sign up, see here. And if you have questions about the Cultural Humility Training, or any aspect of SCF’s Nuka System of Care, feel free to contact the SCF Learning Institute.