8th Annual Nuka System of Conference Overview

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the system of care, designed and built from the ground up by Alaska Native people, that has improved health outcomes, reduced costs, and been nationally recognized for performance excellence, twice winning the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, in 2011 and 2017.

30th Anniversary Quest for Excellence Conference

Southcentral Foundation hosted learning sessions on each of Baldrige’s six process categories at the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program’s 30th Anniversary Quest for Excellence Conference, offering conference attendees the opportunity to learn the ways in which SCF has established and maintained itself as a high-performing, customer-driven organization.

Southcentral Foundation Receives Second Malcolm Baldrige Award

On April 8th, 2018, Southcentral Foundation accepted our second Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award! Per the National Institute of Science and Technology, the award is the highest level of national recognition for performance excellence that a U.S. organization can receive.

Best Practices System Transformation Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is very important for a wide variety of organizations. Being able to chart the direction for an organization and decide how to allocate resources for the future is a critical component of organizational success. An effective and efficient strategic planning process can help immensely with these issues.

best practices system transformation supporting operations and innovation

Before, during, and after the transformation, SCF listened to the Alaska Native community and collected their feedback about what they wanted from the health care system, and that feedback formed, and continues to form, the core of all change implemented at SCF.

Motivational Interviewing Training Overview

Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based counseling approach that uses directive, customer-centered interaction to promote behavioral change by helping customers explore and resolve ambivalence.

Quality Management Training Overview

The Learning Institute is providing the opportunity to participate in one of Southcentral Foundation’s Improvement and Innovation: READI, Set, Go! training, held at SCF’s campus in Anchorage. In the training, you will learn SCF’s improvement and innovation practices alongside our employees.

Community Engagement - Key Component of Quality Health Care

Engaging customers is critically important in health care. SCF works to engage individuals and families through our relationship-based Nuka System of Care, with providers forming strong, long-term relationships with customer-owners.

Relationship-Based Approach to Substance Abuse

Opioid addiction has become a major public health crisis in many parts of the United States, and people are increasingly looking to health care organizations for answers. Southcentral Foundation (SCF) has implemented a comprehensive approach to handling opioids and opioid addiction based on SCF’s system of relationship-based care and integrated behavioral health.

Impact of Relationship-Based Care

SCF undertook a major study on relationship-based care. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether customer-owners who are empanelled (chose to be assigned) to a primary care provider perceive that their relationship with that provider is important to improving their health, to evaluate the quality of that relationship, and to measure the impact of customer-owner and provider factors on the quality of the relationship and on health outcomes.